Normal Heart Beat Restored

We had a patient admitted to the cardiology floor. He was an older gentleman, about 70 years of age. His heart was doing flip-flops, and the doctors wanted him admitted for tests. Gloria and I were told about him, so we visited and asked if we could "pray" with him. We were sure the sound of the word "Reiki" would raise lots of questions in his mind—so we explained Reiki as a prayer-form, asking God's presence and healing. He agreed. Gloria was on his left side, and I was on the right side of the bed.

Within two minutes his right hand came bolt-upright, to the point you could see the tendons in his hands. Talk about being tense. With no one saying a word, Gloria placed her hand on his heart, and I went to his crown chakra. Ever so slowly his hand returned to his side on the bed, and then gently came up to rest on Gloria's hand. The peace that appeared on his face was noticeable—along with the tears that flowed. Reiki had allowed him the release of much pent up emotions that needed to be released. I spoke to him, reassuring him that the space he was in was sacred, and okay. Within 24 hours his irregular cardiac symptoms disappeared!