by Bonnie Bercume
This is a technique developed by Bonnie Bercume which she received during a meditation several years ago. It makes use of distant Reiki and a medicine cloud that is placed over the client. Its purpose is to release Reiki at regular intervals over a 24 hour period.
Here are the instructions:
- Assuming you have a client you would like to send healing energy to, open the session using the master symbol, the power symbol and the distant symbol.
- Envision a large radiant cloud of healing energy over the client.
- As you continue to send Reiki, state the following intention or something similar: "I program this healing intention to fill the Medicine Cloud with Reiki energy and to release and radiate Reiki energy in just the perfect dosage needed every hour on the hour for the next 24 hours to heal (state persons name) to his/her highest and greatest good."
Bonnie has used this method successfully many times and found it useful for pain control, injuries, enhanced healing after surgery, grief and mourning and it can also be used to send healing to members of the family who may be worried about the client.
I encourage you to try this healing technique and let us know what happens.