Request a Personal Reiki Healing

If you or someone you know would like to receive a distant Reiki treatment, please fill out the form below. The staff at the International Center for Reiki Training sends distant Reiki to those in need every workday. We will be happy to add you to our list as soon as you submit the form below.

At the end of two weeks, we will take your name from the list, so if you or the person you have requested healing for still need healing after this time, you will need to resubmit your request.

Also, we would be happy to learn about the results of your healing experience, so please use this same form to let us know of any improvements or other experiences you have. Thanks for allowing us to serve you.

Please list the name of the person you would like us to send Reiki to along with the illness or situation you are concerned about. You may also briefly list the details. Also use this form to let us know about the results of your healing experience.

Reiki Healing Is Coming To You Now!

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