Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master - Southfield - 5/19/2025
Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master Training
Learn to Teach World Peace Reiki Online and In-Person
In-Person Class in Southfield, MI
May 19-21, 2025
Monday 8:30am - 6:30pm ET
Tuesday 9:00am - 6:30pm ET
Wednesday 9:00am - 6:30pm ET
Class fee $1375.00
Teaching Reiki Classes Online
In this article, William describes the techniques he developed for teaching online.
The Birth of World Peace Reiki
In this article, William describes the nature of World Peace Reiki.
Read what experienced Reiki masters say about taking online Reiki classes.
This class includes the new upgraded Holy Fire® III World Peace Reiki energy which is considerably more powerful and effective than the previous Holy Fire® III energy. It will allow you to teach Reiki classes online and in-person and as well as more effectively send Reiki for World Peace.
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Who is qualified
Anyone with Reiki II or higher from any lineage.
William Lee Rand
This class includes Holy Fire® III World Peace Reiki
Holy Fire® III Online Reiki Master Training
In this class you will receive the Holy Fire® III Online Training for World Peace Reiki. This training will allow you to teach Reiki classes either in person or online. Placements and Ignition are much easier to do than the old style hands on attunements. This makes teaching these levels of Reiki much easier as you will not need class time to demonstrate, and practice the attunements in class. Also, the Placement/Ignition system provides a more effective level of Reiki for the student and also empowers the symbols with more effective healing energy. The Usui energy is no longer part of the system and has been upgraded to the Holy Fire® Reiki energy. However, all four of the Usui symbols are still used and will be empowered by Holy Fire® III Reiki energy.
After completing this class, you will be able to initiate students into levels of Reiki up through full Reiki master. The class is taught as the Usui/Holy Fire® III style of Reiki that is a combination of the Usui system as taught by Mrs. Takata, and a special Holy Fire® III style. The Usui and Holy Fire® III master symbols are included along with the Ocean of Holy Love and the Holy Love meditation experience, Holy Fire® Healing Experience, Empowered by the River of Peace, the Reiki Grid and a technique we will explain and practice in class that heals you from being adversely affected by the negative energies of others as well as additional techniques students have found to be beneficial. The training is intensive and very thorough. It includes lecture, discussion, demonstration and adequate practice time. All issues and questions are dealt with openly in a very helpful and informative way. All Placements (same as attunements, see below) and Ignitions are explained and demonstrated so that each student becomes confident in their use. This is an excellent class for those wanting to be Reiki masters as well as those Reiki masters who want to deepen their understanding of Reiki and increase the effectiveness of their Reiki energies. It is also an excellent class for those interested in self-healing and spiritual development.
This class is a deeply healing experience.
A 178 page class manual and a World Peace Supplement is included with step by step instruction for all techniques and initiations. A certificate is included.
All Reiki class registrations include a one-year subscription to the Reiki News Magazine! If you currently have a subscription, four additional issues will be added to your subscription. This includes International students.
If you have any questions about this class or any other class, please
contact the Center at 1-800-332-8112 or 1-248-948-8112 or
Fax 1-248-948-9534 or by email at
In the course of learning and practicing the healing techniques and receiving the upgrades and Ignitions you will receive a deeply healing experience. This will be a wonderful class and I look forward to seeing you.
Love and blessings,
William Lee Rand
Necessary Qualifications
To qualify to take this class a student must have taken Reiki I&II and practiced Reiki II for at least 6 months. Also, a student must be able to draw the 3 symbols from Reiki II from memory. At the time of registration, you are required to send in a copy of your Reiki II certificate. Please fax to 248-948-9534 or send as an attached file to
Holy Fire® is the registered service mark of William Lee Rand.
You can register for this class by paying the whole fee or by paying the non-refundable deposit fee. Deposit is non-refundable, but can be transferred to another class within 1 year. If you have already made a deposit payment please pay your balance by going to your account page - click on the Deposits tab and finalize your balance payment. After acceptance into the class, your class information will be sent.
What Experienced Reiki Masters Say
About Taking World Peace Reiki Classes
The Holy Fire® Reiki is so powerful. On the flight home, I was reading the Reiki Master manual again, and after a couple of pages, I felt the Holy Fire® starting to flow and heating me up to the point where I had to fan myself to cool off. Whenever I come across something (emotions, unhealed ego, etc), I feel hot. William said that the Holy Fire® energy will keep igniting after the placement and ignition in class. I'm so thankful for this healing.
—Bet W., Reiki Master
William's complete confidence in and competence of teaching about Holy Fire® Reiki, along with his daily practice, walking his talk, was very inspirational. He was full of joy (after getting administrative wrinkles ironed out), but even these he took in calm stride applying Reiki principles throughout.
—Margaret T., Reiki Master
William's explanation of healing spirit attachments was simple, to the point and extremely helpful. He guided us so much precision and care for the hands on practice exercises which helped us boost our confidence in our abilities to be a powerful HF Reiki Master.
—Mona I., Reiki Master
This was such a beautiful, wonderful, profound learning experience. William taught us so well: he engaged, supported and encouraged us, and created such a loving and uplifting environment for us to heal and grow together. He is a true Master and I am honored to have attended this class. Thank you all for doing what you do. What a gift.
—Julia P., Reiki Master
This class was life changing. The setting was gorgeous, my fellow classmates were inspiring and supportive, and taking a class with William Rand was a gift. Coming together with like minded people created such a beautiful learning environment and felt like a celebration of the work we do. The content of the class was extensive and the manual covered everything. I would recommend this class to everyone.
—Georgina H., Reiki Master
My life is forever changed after this class. There was so much love and energetic connection between all of the students. We were a family. I made lifelong friends and met people with amazing gifts and abilities. Choosing to participate in a Reiki Master Class with William was one of my best life decisions. I am so blessed to have been a part of this!!! William is amazing. I will miss his beautiful smile and his guidance and loving energy. Thank You!
—Stephanie P., Reiki Master
William Lee Rand is exceptional as an orator and he is a thoughtful and kind communicator and person. His personal story was amazing to hear. He shared his story and explained everything in great detail for us as it relates to Reiki and Holy Fire® and he did so with thoughtful consideration of each and every person there and directly from his authentic self and heart space. He shared so much great information that I will now put into practice. I already started with the Holy Fire® meditation this morning and that meditation is phenomenal. I love that he shared his email because questions invariably come up after workshops. So, thank you!
—Laura S., Reiki Master
I thoroughly enjoyed learning all of these concepts from William Lee Rand in addition to the extensive stories he added that provided additional insight into how these concepts can work in our everyday lives.
—Valerie S., Reiki Master