Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master - Glastonbury, UK - 7/14/2025


Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master Training
Learn to Teach World Peace Reiki Online and In-Person

In-person class in
Glastonbury, UK

William Lee Rand

July 14-16, 2025
Monday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Tuesday 9:00am - 6:30pm
Wednesday 9:00am - 6:30pm
Class fee $1425 USD
$500 USD Deposit

The Birth of World Peace Reiki
In this article, William describes the nature of World Peace Reiki.

Read what experienced Reiki masters say about taking online Reiki classes.

This class includes the new upgraded Holy Fire® III World Peace Reiki energy which is considerably more powerful and effective than the previous Holy Fire® III energy.  It will allow you to teach Reiki classes online and in-person and as well as more effectively send Reiki for World Peace.
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Who is qualified
Anyone with Reiki II or higher from any lineage.

This class includes Holy Fire® III World Peace Reiki

Glastonbury - Ancient Isle of Avalon
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Holy Fire® III Online Reiki Master Training
In this class you will receive the Holy Fire® III Online Training for World Peace Reiki. This training will allow you to teach Reiki classes either in person or online. Placements and Ignition are much easier to do than the old-style hands-on attunements. This makes teaching these levels of Reiki much easier as you will not need class time to demonstrate, and practice the attunements in class. Also, the Placement/Ignition system provides a more effective level of Reiki for the student and also empowers the symbols with more effective healing energy. The Usui energy is no longer part of the system and has been upgraded to the Holy Fire® Reiki energy. However, all four of the Usui symbols are still used and will be empowered by Holy Fire® III Reiki energy.

After completing this class, you will be able to initiate students into levels of Reiki up through full Reiki master. The class is taught as the Usui/Holy Fire® III style of Reiki that is a combination of the Usui system as taught by Mrs. Takata, and a special Holy Fire® III style. The Usui and Holy Fire® III master symbols are included along with the Ocean of Holy Love and the Holy Love meditation experience, Holy Fire® Healing Experience, Empowered by the River of Peace, the Reiki Grid and a technique we will explain and practice in class that heals you from being adversely affected by the negative energies of others as well as additional techniques students have found to be beneficial. The training is intensive and very thorough. It includes lecture, discussion, demonstration and adequate practice time. All issues and questions are dealt with openly in a very helpful and informative way. All Placements (same as attunements, see below) and Ignitions are explained and demonstrated so that each student becomes confident in their use. This is an excellent class for those wanting to be Reiki masters as well as those Reiki masters who want to deepen their understanding of Reiki and increase the effectiveness of their Reiki energies. It is also an excellent class for those interested in self-healing and spiritual development.

This class is a deeply healing experience.

A class manual is included with step by step instruction for all techniques and initiations. A certificate is included.

All Reiki class registrations include a one-year subscription to the Reiki News Magazine! If you currently have a subscription, four additional issues will be added to your subscription. This includes International students.

Complete Class Description

In the course of learning and practicing the healing techniques and receiving the upgrades and Ignitions you will receive a deeply healing experience. This will be a wonderful class and I look forward to seeing you.

Love and blessings,
William Lee Rand

Class is held in Glastonbury, UK

The Glastonbury area is unique, filled with sacred sites that contain wonderful spiritual energies. It is said to be one of the earth's most important power spots and is felt to be the heart chakra of the earth. This power spot is located at The Tor, a hill with a tower at the top and a spiral maze going around the side, said to be connected with the Great Goddess and created about 2000-3000 BC. The Chalice Hill and Chalice Well with the Red and White springs are said to impart healing energies. The Abbey where King Arthur and Gwenhwyfar are said to have been buried.

There are many other sacred sites and stories about the area. I recommend you read Glastonbury, Ancient Isle of Avalon so you'll be familiar with the area and be able to make plans to visit the sacred sites. Also, it's important to schedule your trip so you arrive a few days early or stay a few days after the workshop so you will have time to explore and enjoy. (The workshop is all day long and you will have very little time to explore on the days of the workshop.) See additional accommodations.

Interview with William Rand about Glastonbury

Please note: The video above was recorded for the 2023 classes so the dates
mentioned at the beginning are different from the class dates for this year.

Group Hike on Thursday, July 17 at 10:00 a.m.
I'll be leading a group hike starting outside of the Abbey Retreat House to the sacred sites 
around Glastonbury on Thursday morning the day after class, so be sure to schedule time for this.

Visit this famous site on your own by coming early or staying later. 

Workshop Location
Glastonbury Abbey House

Chilkwell Street
Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 8DH, UK
You do not need to contact Glastonbury Abbey to register for the workshop.
Welcome to Glastonbury Abbey  |  Visiting Glastonbury Abbey

Abbey Retreat House
View photos of Abbey Retreat House and grounds.

Map of Glastonbury showing workshop location
Click Here

Full Size Glastonbury Map

Covid-19 Travel Guidelines
Subject to change without notice

Transportation to Glastonbury

You can fly into Heathrow or Gatwick airports near London and either rent a car and drive to Glastonbury or take a combination of train and bus to Glastonbury. It is about 3-4 hours' drive from Glastonbury. There is also an airport near Bristol which is about an hour drive from Glastonbury but you’ll need to fly into Amsterdam and then back to Bristol or find another alternate air route to Bristol. There is bus transportation form Bristol to Glastonbury or you could rent a car at the Bristol airport and drive to Glastonbury.


There are no accommodations at the Glastonbury Abbey Retreat House. You will need to book your accommodations at one of the local B&Bs or at a hotel on High Street. Make sure your accommodations are within walking distance of the Glastonbury Abbey. Please see links below for accommodations or Google Glastonbury Accommodations. Most students find lodging within walking distance of the Glastonbury Abbey and there are also many restaurants and several food stores within walking distance in Glastonbury, many of which are on High Street. Because of this it is not necessary to have a car.


Price includes lunch on class days. Breakfast and dinner are the student's responsibility. There are many restaurants on High Street and there are several food stores.

Arrival/Departure dates: There are lots of power spots and sacred sites within walking distance of Glastonbury and since there will be no time to explore them on class days, I suggest that you arrive a couple of days before class and stay at least an extra day if you can so you have time to spend at the Tor, Chalice Well, the Glastonbury Abbey and so forth. Also, on the day after class, I'll be leading a group hike to many of these sacred sites. This will be a casual hike with lots of time to stop and smell the roses.

Glastonbury Information

Links for accommodations
Glastonbury Tourist Information Center

Looking for the lowest airfares? Try these sites

Class Information
If you have any questions about this class or any other class, please
contact the Center at 1-800-332-8112 or 1-248-948-8112 or
Fax 1-248-948-9534 or by email at

Necessary Qualifications
To qualify to take this class a student must have taken Reiki I&II and practiced Reiki II for at least 6 months. Also, a student must be able to draw the 3 symbols from Reiki II from memory. At the time of registration, you are required to send in a copy of your Reiki II certificate. Please fax to 248-948-9534 or send as an attached file to

Note: The deposit for this class is non-refundable
and cannot be transferred to another class.

Holy Fire® is the registered service mark of William Lee Rand.


Students Share Their Experiences

Wow, I came to realize on arrival at the weekend that this course was ensuring that I am reminded of my true purpose. I was humbled and in awe at the people I met—from all walks of life and every corner of the earth (so it seemed). . . . William, for me Stonehenge was a moment that will live on in my heart forever. . . . The joy was so pure that I couldn’t control the emotion. Thank you for taking us there. . . . Your pure heart helped us experience this magical presence of stillness and peace. It was incredible. Love, Lorraine

The Glastonbury Reiki Master training I received in June, 2007 was intensely deep and meaningful. I have been in full-time practice as a Reiki Master for several years. I came to the class with a number of questions and needs for healing in my own life and a desire to deepen my personal connection with Reiki. The class met me where I was and helped me just where I needed it! Being among the stones at Stonehenge was truly an amazing experience. I felt that time was altered, and I felt the power of that place in my very bones. The stones seem to be living beings, sentinels watching over humanity, providing gentle, eternal guidance for anyone who cares to listen respectfully to their ancient, wise voices. . . . William’s teaching style continues to deepen. I found him very accessible, gentle, and patient. His guided meditations brought fresh, personal insight, and his knowledge of the history and heritage of Reiki gives students a solid foundation for belief and practice. Russell Clay, New York City

The Reiki Master Training I had at Glastonbury was a beautiful experience. I met some wonderful Reiki healers, and I have some memories that I will treasure for a lifetime. William, you are a wonderful spiritual guide and Reiki Master. Your meditations, I believe, develop a very deep spiritual awareness and connectiveness both with the spirit of Reiki and with each other within the group. . . . I could probably write a thousand words about the wonderful healing experience we have all had; the strongest memory is of love and light, sheer joy of sharing the experience with such beautiful healers and people, with the knowledge that our own spiritual energy is higher, and will continue to grow and develop. Namaste, Julie Bradford

I am finally getting my feet back on the ground. Wow! What an amazing journey. Thank you all so much for sharing this experience. Dear William—thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for following your heart and allowing Reiki to guide you. You are an incredible pioneering soul, and I am forever grateful to you for following your dreams and creating this path for all of us to walk. Your love will be felt for generations, and I hope that someday in a future life, you will feel a ripple of the healing, loving energy that you created with us in this life. May God bless every step you take.

I would like to tell each one of you how beautiful you are and how much love I felt being with you all. Like Kerri said, it was like remembering you all, not like meeting for the first time. I felt like I was leaving family when I left, and with that feeling comes a knowingness that we will meet again. With my eternal love and gratitude, Laura

I’d like to take this chance to thank each of you individually and as a group for the Karuna experience. As always, I have learnt that as much healing and teaching is experienced outside the classroom as is received during our magical time with William in the class. The Karuna energy has lifted my vibration beyond my imagination, and as I start to realize there is so much more to come, it’s hard to contain my excitement. The deep love that now bonds us all through the Karuna Reiki®, has been, for me, like being reunited with my true family. This bond can now never be broken or taken away, and to know that this love will always unite us is the most wonderful feeling imaginable. Being able to share these experiences and seeing you all grow and heal deeply is, to me, the wonder of the Reiki energy. As we now continue our journey as one, our collective field is working to heal all sentient beings of misery and suffering. None of us are here by chance; we have all made the decision to meet again and partake in this mission. To know we are guided and protected by wonderful loving beings working alongside us can only inspire us to trust our intuition to the full and shine our Reiki lighthouses to all in need of the Light. My deepest love from the heart of my soul, Rob

The above are excerpts of previous student experiences.