by Heather Stewart
This poem is reprinted from the Winter 2003 back issue of the Reiki News Magazine.
With Reiki I the gates are sprung ~
The gates to Light and Love.
The channel's cleared and energy
Comes flooding from above.
A thorough spring-clean then ensues
For Body, Mind and Soul.
Release the old, bring in the new ~
A very different role.
The days pass by, the Light shines more,
The magic starts to grow
And find its way with shimmering hues
Till life and chi just flow.
Then one day on your path you see
A bridge emerge quite clearly
To urge a deeper knowledge
Of the Reiki you love dearly.
You cross that bridge to Reiki II ~
Okuden as it's known
And delve down deep inside your psyche
To thoughts and ways your own.
You pledge to conquer fear itself
In every shape and form.
To tranform all your doubts and lacks
Till love becomes the norm.
As Lightworker you now begin
To work both day and night.
And all the time you're loved and held
Protected by the Light.
With passing years your Spirit soars
With ever more compassion.
The Light within you grows and grows
And Reiki is your Passion.
Again a bridge appears to you,
This time of purest white.
To take you on to Shinpiden
The Secret of the Light.
And here you find your deepest truth
The truth of who you are
Great Love and Light and Peace are you ~
A Wondrous Reiki Star.
This is one of the articles from the Winter 2003 back issue of Reiki News Magazine.