Reiki Strengthens Connection To God
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Reiki Strengthens Connection To God
by John Curtin
Firstly let me say thank you for taking the time to create your website, which I think is tremendously important to further the cause of helping people understand the nature of healing energies and Reiki.
I am a British Reiki Master in Madrid, Spain and founder of "Fundación Sauce" (Willow Foundation) which is a non profit making foundation aimed at promoting the use of complementary natural therapies. I would like to share with you my experience of how Reiki combines perfectly with
Christian beliefs.
Almost all my students are Spanish Catholics and many of them are practising Catholics. Over the years, I have had to answer many questions about how Reiki fits into their beliefs.
Since I started running Reiki courses I have had the honour to initiate over one thousand students and without exception, none of them have ever had any problems on a personal level integrating their faith into their practice of Reiki. In fact, I would say that the opposite is true, those who have strong beliefs have had them re-enforced by practising Reiki. In the words on one student "Reiki brings you closer to God."
The following are some examples of this fact, as told to me by my students:
Theologian and Psychologist M. Angeles is a lecturer on theology at Madrid University. She is also a practising psychologist treating abused children at a Catholic Charity institution. She is Reiki level II and uses Reiki with her children, sending them group healing during therapy sessions. She states that Reiki has strengthened her faith in God, as she has witnessed healing with her children using Reiki that restored her belief in the unlimited
power of God’s love.
Lay preachers
Javier and M. Angeles is a lay preaching couple who work for their local parish, preparing adolescents for their Confirmation. They hold weekend spiritual retreats for their pupils where they pray and study the scriptures in preparation for the Sacrament.
Since they started practising Reiki, they now include meditations and exercises aimed at helping their students "find God’s Love in their hearts" using breathing techniques which they learnt on my Reiki course and group Reiki sessions. They also use my Reiki music which I produced with my students during their prayers and meditations.
Guardia Civil and crisis of Faith Fernando is a Guardia Civil (Spanish paramilitary police) who was stationed with the anti-terrorist division. A devoted Catholic, he suffered a crisis of faith from seeing so much senseless hate and violence in his work. He actually sought Reiki initially thinking it was an alternative religious practice, as he could find no answers to his questions through the Catholic Church.
He did Reiki I with me 3 years ago, despite me pointing out that he´d come to the wrong place for what he was looking for! Over the years, he is now Reiki III and will shortly become a Master. He has returned to his faith, as he says that he no longer needs to "believe" in anything, because he can now "feel" God when he channels Reiki.
Sor Margarita and Sor Mari Carmen Both are Catholic nuns at the nearby convent here in Madrid, La Milagrosa. They both practice Reiki and use it actively helping the South American immigrants who come to the convent seeking food and clothing. Sor Margarita has been my student for 4 years, is Reiki II and will be doing Reiki III, when she finds the time! Sor Mari Carmen started last year and will shortly do Reiki II. They start every session by praying a Rosary and asking their patients to pray with them as they do the healing. They have never found any incompatibility with their faith and Sor Mari Carmen feels that Jesus Christ channels through her when she heals.
Warmest regards,
John Curtin,
Fundación Sauce
Terapias Integrales y Crecimiento Personal