ART/Master Manual

180 pages, 8-1/2" x 11, Spiral Bound, opens flat
Revised May 2012
Used by over 2500 Reiki masters as their class manual!
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In use since 1990, this manual has been continually updated to contain the most accurate and comprehensive information for Reiki Master training. Now combined with the Advanced Reiki Training manual, its 180 pages cover all important aspects of advanced Reiki practice as well as providing a user-friendly guide for giving all the attunements and teaching all the Reiki classes including the master level. It focuses on the Usui/Tibetan style of attunements, and also includes the original Takata style as well.
Illustrated with more 34 drawings and photographs.
The information in this manual has been researched for accuracy and is based on the use of original documents and interviews with Reiki masters in Japan.
The manual is highlighted by these topics:
Origin of Western Reiki
Western Reiki as introduced by Mrs. Takata is a modified form of the Usui system and is a somewhat different style from what Dr. Usui originally taught. The differences are explained as well as how and why this happened. The development of other western styles including Raku Kei and the Usui/Tibetan style is also described.
Reiki Moving Meditation
This meditation is a combination of Qi Gong like movements combined with the use of the Usui master symbol. Practitioners become grounded, centered and energized through its use.
Advanced Reiki Meditation
This is a Yantra like meditation that makes use of the Reiki symbols. It develops mental clarity, expands consciousness, improves one's ability to visualize and creates inner peace.
The Reiki Crystal Grid
Creation of a Reiki grid allows you to send Reiki continuously to yourself, your goals and to many other people at the same time. It can also be used to promote world peace.
Aura Clearing
Also called psychic surgery, this technique allows you to quickly clear negative thought forms and negative emotional energy from a client's aura or physical body. It is an effective technique that has helped heal both physical illness as well as emotional and spiritual issues.
The Reiki Symbols
A clear and factual explanation of each of the Usui and Tibetan symbols is given. The metaphysics behind their effectiveness as well as how to correctly draw and activate them is also explained. (The symbols are included in the manual.)
Violet Breath
This techniques originated with Raku Kei and is part of the Usui/Tibetan attunement process and can also be used for healing. Illustrated instructions show exactly how to do it.
Healing Attunement
This attunement uses the same high frequency energies as the initiations, but does not initiate the person into the use of Reiki. Instead, it directs the energy for healing. This is an additional healing technique that can quickly release blocks and heal on a very deep level.
Detailed, step by step instruction on how to give all the Reiki attunements for both Usui and Usui/Tibetan styles. Included are Reiki I, II, ART, Master.
Teaching Guidelines
Explains the process of becoming a Reiki master, as well as how to develop your Reiki practice, and promote, organize and teach Reiki classes. Philosophy as well as practical application is covered and includes class outlines, client information forms and a resource list.