Center for Reiki Research Booklet

This 212 page booklet contains all the information on the Center for Reiki Research web site including the Reiki research references for all 25 studies published in peer-reviewed journals, the research summaries for the studies referenced, all 11 articles and the listings and detailed program info on each of 64 hospitals where Reiki is offered as part of hospital services. This is a great one-of-a-kind booklet and a must for anyone interested in Reiki research.
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Center for Reiki Research
The Touchstone Process
Research Staff
Reiki Research Consultation Service
Reiki Research Study Summaries
Research Studies Conclusion
Hospital List
Center for Reiki Research Articles
Guidelines for Conducting Quality Reiki Research
by Mary Kearns, PhD
Writing Case Reports for Reiki
by Jane Van De Velde, RN, DNP
Documenting Reiki Sessions
by Jane Van De Velde, RN, DNP
Insurance Reimbursement for Reiki Sessions
by Jane Van De Velde, RN, DNP
Science and the Human Energy Field
by James L. Oschman, PhD interviewed by William Lee Rand
Reiki in Hospitals
by William Lee Rand
How We Got Reiki Into the Hospital
by Ava Wolf and Janet Wing
Developing a Reiki Program at Maine Medical Center
by Patricia Keene
A Healing Space for Reiki in a Hospital
by Janny E. Adkins, RN, BS, CHTP, HNC
The Story of Dr. Chujiro Hayashi
by Marianne Streich
How Hawayo Takata Practiced and Taught Reiki
by Marianne Streich