Reiki The Healing Touch

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Includes Japanese Reiki Techniques and Hayashi Healing Guide!
Japanese Reiki Techniques
Included are the nine Reiki techniques Dr. Usui taught to his students, but have only recently become available in the West. Illustrated instruction.
Hayashi Healing Guide
This is a hand position guide for over 100 illnesses and conditions that was developed in Japan by Dr. Hayashi.
Revised and expanded edition features sections on:
- Reiki Past and Present
- How Does Reiki Heal
- How to Use Reiki
- Detailed information on how to use the Reiki Symbols
- Includes all the Western hand positions
- Japanese Reiki Techniques
- How to combine Western and Japanese Reiki
- Becoming a Reiki Master
- Developing Your Reiki Practice
- Reiki in Hospitals
- Discovering the Roots of Reiki
- Reiki Training and Licensing
- The Usui Memorial and Mt. Kurama
- Extensive footnotes and index
- 192 pages, 40 drawings, 18 photos
This book was recently updated to include the latest discoveries about the history of Reiki including research from William's numerous trips to Japan. The revised history is based upon verifiable facts and includes information from Usui Sensei's original Reiki manual as well as the Hayashi Healing Guide, the Usui memorial stone in Tokyo and information from Mt. Kurama where Reiki was discovered. The myths about Reiki are dispelled and a clear understanding about the practice of Reiki is established.
This book is a must for anyone wanting the latest information on Reiki. It includes the Japanese Reiki Techniques as well as the Hayashi Healing Guide. It is fully illustrated with more than 40 drawings and 18 photos. It also contains a comprehensive, easily understood explanation of Reiki, how it works and how to practice it. Written with inspiration, clarity and vitality, it captures the essence of Reiki and provides remarkable depth of understanding.
The chapters on Developing your Reiki Practice, Becoming a Reiki Master and Reiki in Hospitals inspire and instruct one on how to integrate Reiki into the everyday world. It is an excellent introduction to the subject as well as a user-friendly manual for the experienced practitioner. Extensively revised and expanded, this book is over 50% larger than the previous version. It is available in two sizes; a workshop manual for use in Reiki classes and a bookshelf version. Both versions have exactly the same information.
The Author, William Lee Rand, The International Center for Reiki Training.
Well researched and filled with useful information, illustrated. I wrote this book first as a workbook for my Reiki classes back in 1990, then expanded it to be sold in bookstores. I have constantly updated it using information collected in my travels teaching Reiki all over the world. It has excellent illustrations and is written with clarity and vitality with an attempt to capture the true essence of Reiki. It now contains valuable information on the history of Reiki according to records in Japan.
This is our best selling Reiki book! This user friendly manual is used by over 4,000 Reiki masters as their class workbook. It contains the most up to date information from Japan. The information on the Reiki symbols gives in-depth information on how they work and how to use them. The hand positions for self treatments and treating others are well illustrated. The section on Reiki in hospitals is useful to nurses and those who want to work with the medical profession. The chapter on developing your Reiki practice gives many helpful ideas and lots of encouragement. The section on becoming a Reiki master is inspiring and insightful and clearly explains the philosophy of Reiki. This book is a must for the casual user as well as the seasoned professional.
Jessica Whiteside from New York
A great Reiki book!
William Lee Rand has managed to write a Reiki book that is both spiritual and practical. His reference to the sourse of Reiki and the higher power, the need for compassion and it's relationship to healing helps us remember the real purpose of healing.
The fact that he has studied with so many different teachers from different lineages has given him a very broad understanding. You can sense the respect he has for all Reiki people and the fact that he promotes harmony in the Reiki community is very important to the health and well being of all of us involved with Reiki.
At the sametime, it is a very practical and down to earth Reiki book. He has done research in Japan and also taken classes from Japanese Reiki masters so that his Reiki information is based on facts and on original information from Japan, rather than second hand information that has wandered from the original intent of Reiki. He also includes all the hand positions for both self and others and important information on the Japanese Reiki Techniques that were taught by Dr. Usui and the Hayashi Healing Guide which are really necessary if one is to understand how Dr. Usui practiced Reiki. He has also provide very helpful information on developing your Reiki practice and becoming a Reiki master which I have found useful in getting my practice started. It also includes some of the best information on the Reiki symbols I have found.
This book is one of the clearest and easist to understand of all the Reiki books I have read. I truely feel that he comes from the heart and has done his best to create a very helpful and informative Reiki manual.
A Reader From Bangor, Maine
Excellent course manual I highly recommend this book to all Reiki Masters, and to those students who feel like their Reiki I and/or II training lacked depth and clarity. The book has pages and pages of diagrams of hand positions, both for self-treatment and the treatment of others, useful articles on how to develop your own Reiki practice, updated history on where Reiki comes from, a chapter on how to use the symbols (and very few books show the actual symbols, so if you want the symbols then buy the other books), as well as good general information on what Reiki is.
And throughout the manual he stresses that Reiki is open to all and it isn't required that you go to his Center for training. He simply offers his Center as a resource if you want it. This book is a valuable resource. Not a be-all/end-all for Reiki, but the best manual for Reiki I and II that you will find anywhere! I use it for my classes and I am not affiliated with the author or his Center. It is also not the only book on Reiki that I own. This is just a great place to get a strong foundation of information in a few pages.
Melinda DeBoer from Flagstaff, Arizona
Reiki the Healing Touch is a must for all Reiki Teachers I've been teaching Usui Reiki since 1993 and use this book in all my Reiki I & II classes. It is a step by step manual to Reiki written with clarity and sincerity. William's thorough research into the history of Reiki and his description of how Reiki works with the mental,emotional and physical bodies is very concise and descriptive. He inspires us all to teach from the heart and be filled with gratitude for the miracle of Usui Reiki.
A Reader in the U.S.A.
An excellent resource for students, teachers and the curious I find Reiki the Healing Touch by William Rand to be an indispensable tool in my teaching practice. I have been practicing Reiki for ten years and teaching Reiki classes all around the world for six years. The manual is written clearly, which makes it easy for beginning practitioners to understand this healing art, or to help those who are simply curious about Reiki to develop an awareness of how Reiki can be applied to their life. As a teacher, this manual is a lifesaver for me. It contains all the elements I need to provide instruction in Reiki levels I & II. This minimizes the necessity for students to do extensive note-taking, and allows them more time in class for experiential learning.
Mr. Rand is well known for his investigative nature, and it is through his diligent research and networking with other dedicated Reiki Masters that new light was shed on the history of Reiki. This book includes a comprehensive and documented history section, that brings new light to Usui Sensei's true intent for the use of Reiki. It replaces some of the myth with factual historical information. The story of the author's personal journey to Usui Sensei's tomb and his experiences on the holy mountain of Kurama bring life to the history. The many uses for Reiki and the symbols are clearly explained, as well as what Reiki is and how it heals. The hand positions for treating self and others are well illustrated. The treatment documentation form included in the book is a useful tool for practitioners, and helpful for clients in understanding their healing process. There is also useful information on developing a Reiki practice and informative material on how Reiki is being used in hospitals.
Reiki the Healing Touch, in this revised and expanded version, is a must for any serious Reiki practitioner or teacher.
Susanne from Linkoping, Sweden
Simple spirituality at its best! "Reiki - The Healing Touch" by William Lee Rand is a very easy and uplifting book to read about the healing method called Reiki, how the ancient wisdom about the Universal Life-Energy (Prana, Qi and Ki) is rediscovered in our lives and how it can improve and strengthen our quality in life. It's so loving and spiritually uplifting, and at the same time shows us how easy it is to learn Reiki. I highly recommend it!
A Reader in Oslo, Norway
The worlds greatest book about Reiki healing I live in Norway, Europe, and buy and read any book I can come across about Reiki healing. William L. Rand's book Reiki the Healing Touch is the best book ever written about Reiki. Mr. Rand manages in a few words to capture the magic of reiki - the ancient healing method the world had forgotten. This guideline is a must for anyone who wants work with the Reiki energy. I sell this book to my Reiki students - and it is THE only reiki book I can support 100 percent. It is an easy read book, it is well written and makes Reiki available and easy to learn. Reading the book is like getting to know both Reiki and Mr. Rand. Thanks to William Rand for this lovely book.