Usui/Tibetan Online Reiki Master Training Recording

Learn How to Teach Usui/Tibetan Reiki Classes Online
Webinar Recording
Be Safe and Continue Teaching Reiki
William Lee Rand and Colleen Benelli
You must be an Usui/Tibetan Reiki Master or a Karuna
Reiki® Master to purchase this webinar recording.
Once your qualifications have been verified and your order
finalized, you will receive an email from the International Center for Reiki
Training with the link for the webinar and additional information.
Because of the coronavirus the requirement for social distancing and quarantine has made it virtually impossible to teach Reiki classes in the usual way. Because of this I developed a webinar for Reiki Masters that upgrades their Reiki energy, making it stronger and more effective at the same time that it allows Reiki classes to be taught online. Because of this, it is possible for everyone to remain safe and at the same time continue to teach and attend Reiki classes.
In 1989, I developed the Usui/Tibetan style of Reiki. I practiced and taught this style of Reiki for twenty-five years and during this time, it became one of the well-known styles of Reiki practiced in the USA and in other parts of the world. Recently I developed a webinar for those who practice the Usui/Holy Fire® style of Reiki to enable them to teach online. Based on this experience, myself along with Colleen Benelli have developed a similar webinar for those who practice the Usui/Tibetan style of Reiki. When using this new style, the class material remains mostly the same except that the attunements are given Online to your student. This is done live during a Zoom meeting so that the teacher and the students are able to speak and interact with each other.
This article describes the situation in early 2020 after Covid-19 made teaching Reiki classes in-person unsafe. The May 28th webinar was created to empower Reiki Masters to teach Reiki classes online and is available now as a recording for you to participate in. It will upgrade your Usui/Tibetan Reiki energy and give you the ability to successfully teach online classes. Questions and Answers below.
The Coronavirus has spread quickly, creating serious problems for many people all over the world. In order to avoid infection or to avoid spreading infection if one already has the virus it is suggested to stay at home; in many areas this has become a requirement. And travel outside the home is allowed only to get food or medical help or conduct other indispensable tasks. If this is the case and one work’s outside the home, then one may not be able to go to work. In addition, there have been a record number of layoffs. So, an ever-growing number of people are left with a complex set of problems; how to avoid infection and create new ways to earn a living at the same time.
Motivated by a desire to help, I prayed and sought spiritual guidance. This resulted in receiving an improved healing energy specifically for Usui/Tibetan Reiki teachers that allows them to conduct Reiki classes online. (Note, a different webinar has previously been taught for students with Holy Fire® Reiki training.) In addition, this new style of Usui/Tibetan Reiki is also a more powerful and effective healing energy. These two qualities make it a wonderful gift for dealing with the Coronavirus pandemic and the challenges it has created.
In the past, the only classes I have taught online were upgrade Reiki webinars. And I was able to do this because Jesus gave me a series of special Ignitions and was present energetically when the webinars took place. Over the many years, the Usui/Tibetan Reiki energy has been continually working to help students evolve to higher levels of consciousness. And from the time that each student received the Usui/Tibetan training, the energy has been working with each student’s energy field to prepare him or her for this next step. It is fortuitous that we have become ready for this next step at a time when we must deal with the issues brought on by the Coronavirus.
This new level of healing energy has come through Jesus and the Brothers and Sisters of the Light. This happened recently while working with Colleen Benelli, a Reiki Master and clairvoyant healer. Usually, when a new healing energy comes along, it is important to take the time to gain experience with it and develop a deeper understanding of its nature and how to use it before sharing it with others. However, because the virus is spreading so quickly, we have been told that it is important that it be taught to Usui/Tibetan teachers quickly because it is needed right now.
This is a wonderful new energy that looks and feels beautiful. It heals by making it easier for students to become their Authentic-Self. When this happens, the parts that need healing are counseled by the Brothers and Sisters of the Light. In these sessions, the parts are able to express all their concerns and as they do this, they are healed! This takes place in the background of one’s awareness, on one of the higher heavens while the individual focuses on their Authentic-Self; it is the revealing of one’s true nature as the Authentic-Self that does the healing. It is a pathway of unification in which one’s self-image merges with their Authentic-Self and is a pathway of empowerment!
Whether we are aware of it or not, each of us is in our current life situation for the long haul. And as we rise to the challenge, we are called upon to share our gifts, express our love and follow our inner guidance. And by doing this, even though we are practicing social distancing, in our hearts we are drawn closer together.
This new system allows us to make a smooth transition during these changing times and allow us to continue teaching Reiki classes. This new system is designed to be taught live by the teacher who will be in touch with each of his or her students during class, able to interact with them and answer questions. The students also will be able to interact with each other, to share Reiki and exchange ideas. We have even developed an air hug which can be given to other students and the teacher over the Internet. Certainly, this is an example of Reiki responding to societal changes in a loving and effective way so that it can continue to bless us.
In this system, there is greater emphasis on self-Reiki and Distant Reiki. Online attunements are given that enable you to give them to your students when you teach online classes. Classes will be limited by the technology to a maximum of 49 students, but we encourage you to teach smaller classes than this if this larger number does not feel right for you. And in fact, we recommend that you teach about the same number of students that you usually teach. By doing this, the class will be small enough for the students to have their questions answered and receive the attention they require for your classes to go well.
This teaching system is set up for the Usui/Tibetan Reiki method of teaching. There is a supplement and class outlines for all the Reiki classes including Reiki I&II, Master and Karuna. In these classes we recommend that you supply your students with the usual hard copy class manual, making sure each student receives one prior to class, usually sent through the mail. In addition, you will be sending the class outline and supplement to them by attached file.
A webinar is scheduled to be taught by myself and Colleen Benelli in which you will receive the Usui/Tibetan Online Attunement and also be shown how to teach online classes. This will enable you to continue teaching your Reiki classes online from our home during this time when we are being asked to avoid crowds and stay at home. However, the same Attunement also allows you to teach classes in person when it is safe to do so.
Questions and Answers
Usui/Tibetan Online Reiki Master Upgrade Class
Q. Will I be able to teach all my Reiki classes online after taking this class?
A. Yes. We have class outlines for all the Usui/Tibetan online classes. You will be able to teach the same Usui/Tibetan classes online that you are qualified to teach in person now.
Q. How can you teach Reiki classes online? Don’t the Attunements need to be given in person?
A. The Attunements needed to be given in person in the past. But the Brothers and Sisters of the Light saw the problems that the Coronavirus was creating and created a higher frequency Reiki energy that allows one to teach online. Colleen and I were given this new Attunement and the specific details needed to teach this class. This new energy is provided in the new Usui/Tibetan Online Reiki Master Upgrade class.
Q. Why can’t we just begin teaching online now? Why do we need to take your class?
A. Because the energy of the previous Usui/Tibetan classes did not have a high enough frequency for us to effectively give the Attunement at a distance. And also, we were not ready to receive the higher-level energy. But because we have been using the Usui/Tibetan energy all this time, our energy has evolved to the point that we are ready now.
Q. Will I still be able to teach in person?
A. Yes. There is no requirement that after taking this class that you must teach only online. You will continue to be able to teach in person too.
Q. I have extra Reiki manuals; what can I do with them if I start teaching online classes?
A. The same Usui/Tibetan manuals are used in the online classes but with the addition of a supplement that includes revised class outlines and the additional instruction needed. The supplement is sent to you for downloading when you sign up for the class. So, if you have Usui/Tibetan manuals, you will be able to use them.
Q. How much should I charge for online classes?
A. We suggest that you charge the same amount that you have been charging for your in-person classes because, with our current level of technology, the classes are easily and effectively taught online. And also, the online method is convenient for your students as there is no travel time. In addition, even though travel and personal contact are limited by the Coronavirus pandemic, your students will also be able to continue practicing and teaching and earning an income.
Q. Are class certificates available for the online classes?
A. Yes, they are available to Professional members on the Reiki Membership website.
Q. I don’t know much about computers; how will I be able to do this?
A. Included in this class is a tutorial on how to use your computer to teach online classes.
Q. Why is your online training class so expensive?
A. The price is based on the value of what is being taught. As an example, after taking the Upgrade class, you will be able to continue teaching your classes and earning income.
Q. Does the new Attunement provide only the ability to teach online, or does it have other benefits?
A. Yes, in addition to giving you the ability to teach online, the new Attunement will upgrade your Usui/Tibetan energy as well, making it stronger and more apparent in how it is blessing your life.
Q. How can I tell if I should take this class?
A. If you are asking this question, I suggest that you carefully reread the information, and if you are still not sure, I suggest that you meditate about it and let your intuition guide you.