Reiki News Fall 2016

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Honoring All Reiki Schools and Lineages
The Reiki News Magazine is a 80-page full color glossy magazine containing articles on every aspect of Reiki practice written by some of the most knowledgeable and experienced Reiki people on the planet. Below is a synopsis of the current issue.
Welcome . . .
to the Fall issue of the Reiki News Magazine. Our purpose in publishing the magazine is to provide you with inspiration as well as new ideas and techniques so your practice of Reiki can be more fulfilling and beneficial - to you as well as those you treat. By calling on Reiki to guide this process and by continually searching for the very best writers and giving them the freedom and encouragement to produce their best work, we remain focused on fulfilling that purpose. Check the amazing list of articles below. This issue is both exciting and practical!
Here is a list of the articles in this issue:
Merging with the Source of Reiki
by William Lee Rand
By seeking the source of Reiki and merging with it, success will come, not only in the material world, but more importantly, in the fulfillment of one’s spiritual journey.
Learning to Hear the Voice of Reiki
by Kumud Bothra
Kumud offers us the idea that Reiki comes from God. She also describes a process that when followed will allow anyone to easily be aware of the guidance that can come to us through Reiki.
Just for Today: A Thank-You Story to Reiki and Stroke Healing
by Laurelle Shanti Gaia
In this article, Laurelle describes her experience with a stroke and how Reiki played an important role in her survival and recovery.
What the World Needs Now is Love Sweet Love
by Jeff Baird
As we allow Reiki to flow through us, we are raised into ever higher experiences of love, beauty and peace. As this happens, we are also presented with opportunities to express these wonderful feelings to others through our words and actions.
Stepping Out of the Way
by Dodi Mitchell
Reiki energy is continually expanding. As this happens, we are presented with certain questions and the chance to make a decision: Are we also ready to expand? Are we willing to let go and enter our next level of expression?
Reiki and Crossing Over
by Beth Price
Death is not the dark and foreboding experience that has often been presented to us. Instead, it is an amazingly positive opportunity to be forgiven and to be set free. In this article, learn how using Reiki to help people move through this process can be a wonderful, life-enhancing experience.
My Reiki Drumming Experience
by Chellie Kammermeyer
Here the author describes the Reiki drumming class she took and how she went from apprehension to confidence in the use of this healing technique that merges the Reiki vibration with the sound of the drum.
Karuna – The Reiki of Compassion
by Anne Samson
Anne shares how Karuna Reiki® helped her heal new depths within herself that she had lost touch with and as a result, she become more able to love herself and others.
The Eye of the Horse
by Kathy Reid
This is an article about using Reiki to help two horses cross over to the other side. It provides amazing insight into their experiences, both during and after the process.
Developing Clients and Students for Your Reiki Business - Part I: Email Marketing and Reiki Chat
by Colleen Benelli and Karen Harrison, LCPC, LCMFT, AAECT
In Part I of this important and informative article, the authors explain two of the important methods they have used to build successful Reiki businesses.
Protect Reiki as a Continuing Education-Approved Course
by Dawn Fleming
Reiki is an effective method of relaxation and healing that goes well with massage and other alternative healing methods. Yet, there is a trend taking place to eliminate Reiki as a method to obtain CE credits for these various modalities. This article explains why this isn’t a good idea and what you can do to reverse it.
Professionally Organize Your Life with Reiki
by Diane Hendler
In this article, you will learn how to use Reiki to transform clutter into a neat and well-organized system that will not only feel and look great but will improve the efficiency of all your activities.
Reiki Research Summary and Health Benefits
by Ann Linda Baldwin, PhD
In this article, Ann directs your attention to the many properly designed and conducted scientific studies that show that Reiki provides therapeutic benefits.
Wisdom from the Bamboo Forest
by Veronique Frede
During a Reiki class on the Hana coast of Maui, the author describes her experiences in the classroom and while exploring the hiking trails and waterfalls in the area.
Co-Creating Expansion with Holy Fire® Reiki
by Pattie Carney
Here Pattie shares her experience with Holy Fire® Reiki and how it has helped her heal her own issues and those of her clients.
Reiki Loves a Whole Cat and a Whole Person
by Elizabeth Eddy
Elizabeth tells us the story of how she used Reiki to heal her cat and received healing for herself as well.
Reiki Stories
This is an exciting and valuable issue that will supply you with entertainment as well as quality information and instruction. If you have any suggestions on how the magazine could be improved, I'd be very happy to hear them.
The world is a wonderful place, filled with continual changes which bring with them a never ending supply of opportunities. May you grow in the ability to allow the wisdom of Reiki to guide how you create your life.
Love and peace to you and the world.
William Lee Rand,
Writers Guidelines
If you would like to write an article for the Reiki News Magazine,
please see our Writers Guidelines by clicking here.
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