In 1998 I had a complete hysterectomy. Since that time I have had eight surgeries. I was in constant pain and had no quality of life.
I am certified in Level One. When I went home from the class I felt a deep, relaxed feeling, and I just wanted to go to sleep.
Also, in August I had a severe pain in my stomach. I went to my doctor, and he said he felt a hernia. I gave myself Reiki and then the doctor called me with the results of a CT scan and he said that the hernia had been healed. He said I was a miracle and I was also healed of all inflammation and scar tissue.
My father had a stroke this past January. While in the emergency room they told us he would not make it. They called in a priest and my father was given his last rites. My father underwent brain surgery to remove a blood clot. The doctors told us that he would not have use of his left side. My sister and I did energy healing on him everyday. My father not only pulled through the surgery, he also has full use of his left side.
I cannot believe how my life has changed in the past six months. I am not in chronic pain, and I have a quality of life. Reiki is the best thing that has happened to me.