Reiki Online Newsletter - January 2018

Table of Contents

William Lee RandIt is my pleasure to send you the January 2018 edition of our Reiki Online Newsletter. Clicking on the links in the table of contents takes you directly to each item. To return just click on the "Return to Contents" link at the end of each section or the back arrow in your browser. I would enjoy your input so we can make this newsletter even more informative and valuable. Feel free use the input form link toward the end of the newsletter to send any comments, questions, information or Reiki Stories that you would like to share with other Reiki people.

Note: The articles in this newsletter are not from the Reiki News Magazine.
To read the hard copy magazine, please subscribe.

Golden LightLook Up!
There Is Always a Higher Way

by William Lee Rand

I took my first Reiki class in 1981. Prior to this I was an avid seeker of spiritual development and had been a Rosicrucian, a professional Astrologer, a hypnotherapist, a Past Life Regression therapist and worked with a Hawaiian Kahuna for a year. I also had experience as a hands-on healer. These previous experiences helped me to gain a better understanding of the essence of spiritual energy.

Then, while in a rebirthing class on the Big Island, I learned that a Reiki class was being offered and I enthusiastically signed up. In the class we received a set of attunements that created powerful spiritual experiences. After this we practiced and I could feel the Reiki energy flowing through me and this made me very happy. As I practiced, and experienced the consciousness of the Reiki energy, it caused me to become more introspective. Then during a break, I became more deeply aware of the energy and realized that this was an energy that had no limit and that one’s ability to channel Reiki energy could be continually developed.

However, this idea was not popular at that time. People would often say that Reiki is the Universal Life Force so how can you improve on that? But my experience of the energy was telling me something different. I was shown that while Reiki is the Universal Life Force, that Force has unlimited potential and that what we receive in the attunements is only a small part of what is possible; that we receive only the beginning levels of this wonderful energy and that it was possible to attune to ever higher and more beneficial expressions of the Universal Life Force. I also contemplated the fact that as a student takes every higher levels of training, one’s Reiki energy improves. As an example, the Reiki energy of a Reiki Master is stronger that than of a Reiki I student. This too indicated that Reiki is a transcendent practice that can take one into ever higher levels of healing energy.

In addition, if one accepts that Reiki comes from an infinite source, then one must also accept that there must be ever higher levels of Reiki energy that exist. And it would just be a matter of discovering the path to follow in order to gain access to these higher levels and begin receiving benefit from them.

Because of this, I was continually looking for ways to develop the energy and also looking for ways to improve how I used Reiki in sessions. One day in 1993, while thinking deeply about the potential Reiki offered, I wondered how the founder, Mikao Usui, practiced Reiki. During this experience, I became aware that there was more to the practice than what had been taught by Takata Sensei and I could see Usui Sensei using the sensitivity in his hand to determine where the person needed Reiki. After this, I began practicing this technique in my Reiki sessions, which I called Scanning, and found it to be very helpful in knowing the best places to treat.

A few years later, I met Arjava Petter in Japan and he took me and Laurelle Gaia around to see the sacred Reiki sites. During this time, I demonstrated the Scanning technique to him. Then a few years later, after Arjava had done his research for the Japanese Reiki Techniques with Fumio Ogawa Sensei and others, he told me that Scanning was actually a method that Usui Sensei had used. Based on his research, Arjava began calling this method Byosen Scanning.

I was also focused on discovering ways to increase the effectiveness of my Reiki energy. During this process, I read all I could about hands on healing including the ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine texts and also discussed this topic with other practitioners and read the workbooks of various Reiki Masters. I meditated on how one might increase the strength of one’s Reiki energy and experimented with different methods. Between 1993 and 1995, this lead to the development of a new style of Reiki that contained eight symbols and a different attunement method. At first, I called this system Sai Baba Reiki as I was told that three of the symbols had come from the late Sai Baba, who was a well-known guru in India. Shortly after this I discovered that Sai Baba had not channeled these symbols so I changed the name of the system to Karuna Reiki®. I was told by many experienced practitioners that the energy of this new system was stronger and more effective than Usui Reiki. This was encouraging and I was happy that this system improved the healing benefits people could receive.

Then in January, 2014, while working with the late Janice Jones, a spiritual advisor, I was given the healing energy called Holy Fire Reiki, which was a further improvement. We have continued to work with this energy and in December 2016 Holy Fire II was developed.

Recently, while researching Reiki in Japan, I met with Hiroshi Doi Sensei and he said that according to the teachings of the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, Usui Sensei had said that the most important task of the Reiki practitioner was to develop and strengthen the effectiveness of one’s Reiki energy. This validated my previous thinking and confirmed my experience that higher qualities of Reiki do exist and that not only is it possible to experience them, but that developing higher Reiki energies in oneself is the most important task of the Reiki practitioner.

I have continued to follow this path and new doors continue to open. Recently I have been shown an even higher quality of Reiki. This energy looks like a wonderful golden light that is very nurturing, supportive and healing. It can arise spontaneously and surround you and has a wonderful loving feeling. It raises one’s level of consciousness and feels more amazing than any form of Reiki previously experienced. The qualities of happiness it provides are much deeper, richer and more wonderful. It also provides you with the ability to accept this higher energy into your field without any effort and in a way that feels completely normal and natural. I’m being told that this is brought directly to Reiki practitioners who have Holy Fire Reiki and I have received reports that some of these practitioners are beginning to feel it flowing in them now and also flowing to their clients during Reiki sessions.

In order to receive it, you must accept the idea that the quality of your Reiki can be improved and that this can come to you as a gift. Then simply say prayers asking for this wonderful gift to be given to you. It may come to you right away or while you are going for a walk or meditating or giving yourself or others Reiki or at other times. Or it may come to you right now as you are reading this article! So look up and receive a higher way.

We are so very deeply blessed to be given ever higher and more effective levels of this beautiful energy. I wish each of you the very best as you live your lives and give yourself and others Reiki. May you experience great peace, joy and happiness.

Reiki Classes with William Lee Rand

For a complete list of William's 2018 Reiki classes click here.

Holy Fire Reiki

Holy Fire Reiki is a new form of Reiki that was introduced in January, 2014 by the ICRT. It is both powerful and gentle and provides purification, healing, empowerment and guidance. It is included as part of our Usui Reiki classes and has also been added to Karuna Reiki® training.

Learn more about Holy Fire Reiki

Reiki Love, Joy and PeaceNew Book
Reiki Love, Joy and Peace
CP102 $29.95

The 67 articles in this anthology were written by William Lee Rand, one of the world’s foremost practitioners and teachers of Reiki. They first appeared in the Reiki News Magazine and will provide you with unique insight into every aspect of Reiki practice. Also included are the adventures William experienced as he traveled to the ends of the earth to bless the planet with the healing energy of Reiki. Learn more.

Thankful for ReikiReiki hands
by Jeff Baird

I am so thankful for Reiki. This amazing gift entered my life at a time when I was in tremendous pain. The pain left as Reiki made it’s subtle yet grand entrance. Thankfully, my life will never be the same. When pain leaves, lives are transformed.

In January of 2012, I took a Reiki Level I class and received an attunement which gave me the ability to use Reiki for self-healing, as well as helping others to heal. At the time, I thought that this was where my understanding of Reiki would remain. After the attunement, the intense pain in my hands left almost immediately. I canceled my scheduled hand surgeries, and I no longer needed to wear hand splints during the day or wrap my hands in ice packs at night.

In addition to the physical pain I had experienced, the emotional drain was exhausting. Now, it was gone – just like that! Before taking the class, I was skeptical but running out of options for pain relief. I had tried just about everything to ease the pain, but nothing worked. Now, I was a believer in the healing power of Reiki, but had a limited understanding and could not have imagined what amazing experiences lie ahead for me.

My Reiki Master had told me that Reiki heals physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. At the time, I did not know what that meant, but now I was experiencing it firsthand. The physical pain was gone, and I felt so much lighter–a heavy burden lifted from me. I felt stronger, more focused, and excited about the possibilities that life offered me. I wanted to share this amazing gift and started giving Reiki to those closest to me.

I had no intentions of taking a Reiki Level II class, as I just did not see the need. My pain was gone, and I felt terrific. What more could there be? Then, as I discussed Reiki with others, I started hearing about the Reiki symbols. I was utterly content as a Reiki Level I recipient and still did not see the need to learn about the symbols. For me, the simpler things are, the better. I did not want to complicate things.

Then, I heard about distant healing. It seemed a little far-fetched to me. How could you heal someone from a distance? I had a difficult time wrapping my head around this concept. My conclusion was that some of these Reiki people were a little far out there for me. I was perfectly content as I went about my business with no pain and periodically shared Reiki with others who were experiencing pain. It was like a novelty for me. I was a traveling salesman who had discovered something pretty cool, and I just left it at that.

Then, as I was getting a massage at a Colorado resort, my massage therapist told me how she used the symbols to help others heal who were far away. Something clicked with me, and I thought about my mom who lived in Arizona and was suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease. In June of 2012, I took a Reiki Level II class, learned about the symbols and received another attunement. Afterwards, my wife commented on how much stronger the energy was that was coming from my hands. Everything does indeed expand, and this was my first real understanding of this concept.

I was still a little intimidated by the distant healing idea, yet, I started experimenting with it. People told me they could feel the energy from a distance. Wow! Really? I continued using the symbols and always received encouraging feedback after a distance session. All of this amazed me. I learned all I could about Reiki and continued using it throughout the day. I felt so strong and had a love affair with this new thing that was becoming a more significant part of my life. During the Level II class, my Reiki Master had said, “We become Reiki.” At the time, I had no idea what that meant, but, I was beginning to learn as Reiki expanded and continued to amaze. I could not ignore the endless possibilities any longer.

I became a Reiki Master in November of 2014. Reiki has allowed me to heal countless people with just about every ailment you can imagine. Today, I firmly believe Reiki has no limitations. Why would I think otherwise after helping others heal from fibromyalgia, cancer, migraine headaches, retinitis pigmentosa, insomnia, depression, broken bones, kidney infections, nightmares, emotional trauma, allergies, chronic pain, stress and just about every ache and pain you can think of – physical and emotional?

Instead of masking the pain and burying it deeper inside of a person, we bring the pain out into the light. Then, we release it. Dr. Mikao Usui, Reiki’s founder, called Reiki, “The secret art of inviting happiness” and “The miraculous medicine of all diseases...” Truer words were never spoken. If you are in any pain, please try Reiki. Take it from one who knows - Reiki works wonders in people’s lives.

Reiki at Stonehenge
Reiki at Stonehenge

Usui/Holy Fire II ART/Master Training
May 22-24, 2018 - Glastonbury, UK

Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki® Master Training
May 29-31, 2018 - Glastonbury, UK

William Lee Rand

Seven Day Inward Bound
Usui/Holy Fire II ART/Master
Teacher Training on Maui

Usui/Holy Fire II ART/Master Training
Aug 15-21, 2018 - Hana, Maui, HI

Entrance Gate
Special Reiki Classes on Kurama Yama, Japan
Kurama Yama is the mountain where Usui sensei had
his meditative experience and was given the gift of Reiki.

Usui/Holy Fire II ART/Master Training
September 16-23, 2018 - Kurama, Japan

Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki® Master Training
September 23-30, 2018 - Kurama, Japan

William Lee Rand and Colleen Benelli

Reiki Retreats 2018

This year we will feature two Reiki Retreats; one for the East coast and one for the West Coast. Click on the links to read about all the exciting activities. REGISTER before March 31st and Save $50!

Honor's Haven
Honor's Haven
June 22-25 - Ellenville, New York
Sedona Mago Retreat Center
August 31-September 3 - Sedona, Arizona

Reiki Stories*

Hospice Healing
A friend of mine had lung cancer and when I found out about it she was already in the hospital. The doctor’s held no hope and she was dying when I and another friend arrived. She was in a lot of pain and the nurses were contacting her family to come and make arrangements. They said she was likely to die in a matter of hours. My friend and I started to use Reiki over the area where her tumor was and then proceeded to do a full body treatment. She said the heat felt so good to her because she had been so cold. We stayed about an hour and realized her aura was very close to her body. The family came and we left to give them privacy. The next day we went back and she asked us to do “whatever it was we did again.” She said she slept like a baby and had no pain for the first time in months. We gave her another treatment. The nurses saw what we were doing and closed the door to give us privacy. She sat up and spoke for a little while then fell asleep as we continued treating her. The next day I went back to see her and my heart sank; the bed was empty. I asked where she was... (meaning which funeral home). They said she went home. I could not believe it. I found her at a home of one of her friends who asked us to give Reiki treatments to her because of a bad back. We did this gladly since she was taking care of our friend. My friend eventually passed (two months later) but not in pain and fear in a hospital bed but in a home with people who loved her by her side. I treated her with Reiki energy until it felt like she was ready to go forward. She had no fear and no pain and it was a tremendous blessing for me I will never forget.

—Ase Mercedes

Distant Reiki Healed Heart
I An update on my Reiki student I asked all of you to send Reiki to a couple of weeks ago. I saw her today and have some information to share with all of you. When I initially made the request, I had not known the extent of the calcification of her aorta. Today I found out that it had been 75% blocked! Her physician sent her to get a CT scan (which was scheduled a couple of weeks after all of us had begun sending Reiki to her). The physicians were puzzled when they read the CT scan, as her aorta results were essentially negative - only minimally calcified, something that can be managed by vasodilators and puts her out of the immediate danger zone.

She was VERY happy with the results and thanked me and wanted me to also thank all of you for the Reiki you sent to her. I thank you all, too, from the bottom of my heart. If you don’t mind to continue to send her Reiki and let’s see if the remainder of the calcification will “go away”. With light, love, and peace.


Polyps Healed with Reiki
A while ago my friend Barbara had a scan, which revealed a number of polyps in her womb area. She was scheduled for minor surgery to have these removed prior to this I gave her Reiki sessions and distant healing. When she went down for the surgery the Polyps had gone - she’s absolutely convinced these had been ‘Reikied away’ as she likes to call it. A while later she had polyps up her nose and again she was convinced Reiki had seemed to help. When she finally went for surgery on them, they hadn’t disappeared but she was advised that she would be quite ill for a couple of weeks - she was up and about the next day and has felt absolutely great ever since - again Reiki helped. I have been a Tera-Mai Reiki & Seichem Master now for five months and Barbara is about to be the first person that I attune to Reiki. It really does work. Reiki is like having a constant friend who you can call on to give you help and support when you need it. Wouldn’t the world be a better place if everyone could use it?

—Lorraine Willis

Reiki and Cancer
I was diagnosed with ovarian/paratonilee cancer. I was not given a good prognosis. With extensive chemo treatments, I stood a good chance of survival, without, maybe I had 6-9 months. I had just lost my husband two years before and I had two adorable kids ages 12 and 11. At that time, they had lost their Dad and now Mom was really sick. I had extensive surgery and was faced with chemo, which I didn’t want to do as I had seen what chemo had done to my husband. I was not a happy camper, but wanted the odds in my favor so I decided to go with the chemo.

After my second chemo treatment, I saw a long time friend of mine. Her family and she herself have dealt with this situation before within her family. She came up to me and said “I’m not going to send you flowers, I am going to come over to your home and do Reiki on you as my gift” Reiki, I said, what is this? I wanted to live and I wanted to do anything I could to heal, so I accepted her offer.

After the first treatment, I felt relaxed, calm, and very good… almost, rejuvenated. My Reiki Master had said to me after the second treatment that she had seen many little black balls firing through my abdomen while treating me. I thought this was strange. That night, about five hours after she had left, I had an experience in the bathroom, which is hard to describe. However, after completed, I felt strongly that all the cancer was gone out of my body. I called a nurse and a doctor and after tests, they agreed that all the cancer was gone, but they could not explain this since I had only two chemo treatments and they thought I would need many more. I also have to say that my faith has been renewed and I look forward to a long and happy future.

I am about to celebrate my two-year anniversary from that surgery and I am feeling good and going on with life. I have introduced my family members to Reiki and I have progressed to a Reiki Two level. There is a lot to this, and I will continue to practice and heal. I am living proof that it works. My doctors cannot explain how well I am doing- but they suggest to just keep on doing whatever it is I am doing!

—Lee Spence, Chagrin Falls, OH.

Diabetes and Successful Surgery
Some months ago I was diagnosed as having a mature cataract in my left eye for which urgent surgery was the only solution. As a long-standing diabetic with sugars hovering around 220mg/l despite medication, it was difficult for the doctors to go ahead with the surgery. I then thought of my friend Mr. Somo Mukherjee of Imphal, Manipur, India who traces his lineage to William Rand. He gave me healing in person and followed it up with distant healing for a week. The sugars dramatically reduced to 110 and remained at this level till the surgery was successfully completed. I must thank Reiki and the ascended Masters for taking me out of a tricky situation.


Reiki, Chemo and Cancer
I have been a Reiki Master since early in 1998, mainly working on myself and my pets, but Nancy, a neighbor of mine who lives only two doors away, developed cancer some months ago and had a “terminal” diagnosis. Only after she had gone to bed and was barely eating, and had significant pain, was she open to me trying Reiki on her. I sat upright on a sofa next to her and placed my hands on her liver area, the area of the pain, for about 10 minutes, after which she said it was a bit better and moved away a bit. I figured if Reiki was to be of help I would know, and sure enough, the next day her husband showed up at my door and said Nancy wanted me to come and take away her pain!

I have gone over 3-4 times daily and done Reiki sessions, mainly in the liver and lung area for a period of about 25 minutes each.

Within two days all pain was gone, which puzzled her doctors, and her first chemo session was a breeze. The nausea from the cancer and chemo was also minimized. I had the opportunity to see how much Reiki was working when I had to leave for 10 days right before Nancy’s second chemo session.

I attuned others to work with Nancy while I was gone and was able to send distance Reiki a few times during my travels, but learned upon my return that the second chemo had not gone well for Nancy, who experienced pain and severe nausea for several days. After one day working with her all the symptoms were gone and her next chemo will be in a few days.

I don’t know if Reiki and the powers-that-be will allow Nancy to survive liver cancer, but I can tell you that she is most comfortable, eating well and pain free, walking, laughing and having a reasonably good time during which she was supposed to be miserably in pain.

A side effect of doing Reiki on Nancy is that I feel even better after the energy passes through me! I sincerely hope many more people will attune to Reiki. It is my deepest wish that Reiki spread far more rapidly than it has, even if most people attune to Reiki I. The need for bandages around my house is non-existent!

After months of working with Nancy and Reiki, she got the test results back today...she will live, the “terminal” diagnosis is no longer in effect. Her liver function is almost back to normal, and she will have four more chemo sessions, another test and if entirely free of all traces of cancer, two more “for good measure” chemo sessions. I am in awe. She was nearly dead, with only a few weeks to live when we started Reiki on her. Another friend who is a nurse said she had never seen anyone react so well to chemo. Thank you, Reiki. Thank you, Universe.

—Peggy Griffin

Chronic Back Pain
I am gearing up to teach a First and Second Degree Class in November in Montague, MI. I first started medical practice about a half mile from the site of the class. I had so many medical specialists tell me I would never practice medicine again, and to accept my spinal condition and its pain and disablity - and go home and live with it. Now after 11 years of suffering from chronic back pain I am literally walking away from the stigma and feeling of being “Disabled” into the light of a working professional woman!

Here I am - a year after completion of the Reiki Master training with William Rand, getting ready to teach my first class and because of my increased mobility, I’m going to start practicing Reiki in this new facility instead of out of my home. I feel like the Phoenix rising out of the ashes!

Bless you for your help. I plan to use your (ICRT) manuals and teaching structure and keep your teaching methods pure, while adding my personality and style Much love to you - bless you in your work

—Terry S. Collett, M.D.

Reiki Heals Hearing
Several months ago when I was still a level 2 practitioner and my husband was level 1, we offered a friend of ours a Reiki treatment in barter for watching our Umbrella Cockatoo, Chela and our Cockateil, Fred. Before the treatment she kept asking if we could do something for her shoulder and while we made no promises, we told her that she would, at the very least, feel much more relaxed. As the treatment progressed, she *did* become much more relaxed, but I also noticed that my husband spent a great deal of time working on her head and neck area...he kept being guided back to two particular spots. When the treatment was over, our friend got a very quizzical look on her face and asked me to whisper something in her left ear. I just sort of shrugged and whispered something inconsequential that made little sense. Her eyes LIT up and she repeated it back to me. It was at this point that she told us that she had been clinically deaf in that ear since she was 4. She says that her shoulder is still the same, but now she hears like a bat.

—Maria Myrback

* Some Reiki Stories may have been previously published in Reiki News Magazine.

Do You Have a Reiki Story?
If you've used Reiki to heal or achieve a goal, our readers would like to know about it. Please write your Reiki story in a similar format as those above and send it in using our secure form.