Reiki and Children
The beneficial effects of Reiki for children are numerous. It heals fear and anxiety and promotes feelings of safety, calmness and a healthy sense of well-being. Reiki also helps them develop self-confidence, the ability to get along with others and improves learning ability. It is soothing and promotes the healing process. It keeps children healthy and less prone to imbalances, and if they do get sick, it helps them deal with illness and recover more quickly! It can also be a universal solution to many childhood difficulties including just not feeling good.
Children who have received Reiki before and after birth are more open and caring toward others and tend to be peacemakers among their playmates. They also benefit from the knowledge that there is something beautiful inside themselves which can heal and help solve problems and provide guidance during difficult times.
Reiki sessions are especially beneficial for women during pregnancy as it helps both the mother and the unborn child. It also increases relaxation, decreases pain during childbirth and helps create a healthier delivery.
This book explains all the wonderful benefits Reiki can provide children and also shows many special techniques specific to teaching them Reiki.
Table of Contents
Reiki and Children
Teaching Reiki to Children, Spring 2004
Teaching Reiki to Children, Part II, Fall 2004
The Littlest Reiki Master, Spring 2006
Reiki Kids, Fall 2012
Reiki Kids, Part II, Spring 2013
Reiki for Children, Fall 2011
Children Giving Reiki, Summer 2007
Reiki for Children with Special Needs, Winter 2007
Teaching Reiki to Children with Special Needs, Winter 2007
Raising Reiki-Conscious Children, Spring 2006
Practicing Reiki with Children, Summer 2011
Reiki with Children: A Nurse’s Perspective, Fall 2004
Reiki, Crystals and Children, Summer 2013
Gabriel, Child of Light, Winter 2014
Creating a Reiki Class for Children, Winter 2014
Reiki Kids are Highly Sensitive, Winter 2014
Coping with My Daughter’s Diagnosis of Cancer, Summer 2017
Reiki Crafts for Kids, Winter 2017
Reiki for Pregnancy and Childbirth
Reiki and Fertility, Winter 2002
Reiki and Fertility, Fall 2010
Reiki and Pregnancy: A Wonderful Combination, Fall 2010
Reiki and Childbirth, Fall 2004
Reiki and Painless Childbirth, Spring 2006
Reiki and Sacred Childbirth: Four Years Later, Summer 2010
Birthing Our Relations, Spring 2014
Reiki and Balanced Birthing, Fall 2014
Sage Magic, Spring 2015