Reiki News Winter 2006

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Honoring All Reiki Schools and Lineages
The Reiki News Magazine is a 80-page full color glossy magazine containing articles on every aspect of Reiki practice written by some of the most knowledgeable and experienced Reiki people on the planet. Below is a synopsis of the current issue.
Welcome . . .
to the Winter issue of the Reiki News Magazine. Our purpose in publishing the magazine is to provide you with inspiration as well as new ideas and techniques so your practice of Reiki can be more fulfilling and beneficial - to you as well as those you treat. By calling on Reiki to guide this process and by continually searching for the very best writers and giving them the freedom and encouragement to produce their best work, we remain focused on fulfilling that purpose. Check the amazing list of articles below. This issue is both exciting and practical!
Here is a list of the articles in this issue:
Create a Thriving Reiki Practice, Part I
Vision, Intention and Attitudes
by William Lee Rand
Create a serious Reiki business that generates serious income at the same time you provide a valuable service that is aligned with your spiritual purpose.
The Secret of Bread Crumb Mountain
by William Lee Rand
Rejecting fear and the need for acceptance, a young woman follows her heart and discovers something more valuable than anyone could imagine.
We Never Really Fail
by Mari Hall
A change in perspective opened the way for Mari to move out of fear and into a life of adventure and fulfillment.
Reiki and The Burning Bowl Ceremony
by Colleen Benelli
Combining an ancient releasing ritual with Reiki creates a ceremony to help free us from the past and empower our intentions for the future.
Reiki and AIDS, Part II
by Dan Wray
Dan reveals how his experience healing AIDS has empowered him to achieve personal goals and live a successful and productive life.
Reiki and the Helping Professions, Part II
Using Reiki in your Professional Practice
by Kathie Lipinski, RN, MSN, CH
Learn how to explain Reiki to your clients and peers, use it to enhance your work environment and your own work within your professional specialty.
Reiki and Palliative Care
Easing the Pain of Terminal Illness
by Terri A. Heiman
Terri tells her experience of treating a terminally ill patient with Reiki, discusses issues that may come up during hospice care and suggests ways to address them.
Reiki in U.K. Hospitals
by Angie Buxton-King
Giving Reiki to her terminally ill son inspired Angie’s campaign to convince medical personnel that Reiki can benefit hospital patients. Now employed as a hospital Reiki practitioner, Angie shares practical information for working in a hospital environment.
Reiki at a London Hospital
by Claudia Bonney
Claudia relates how she got her dream job as a Reiki practitioner in the hematology department of a teaching hospital where 100 patients a week receive Reiki treatments.
Reiki and Somatoemotional Release
by Cate LaBarre
Combining Reiki with other techniques creates a powerful method of releasing emotional issues stored in the body, resulting in deep healing.
The Distant Symbol
by William Lee Rand
This is one of the most interesting and useful Reiki symbols. Learning the range of possibilities it provides will greatly expand the help a practitioner can provide to others.
Reiki Stories
Read the stories of people who have experienced the miracle-working power of Reiki.
This is an exciting and valuable issue that will supply you with entertainment as well as quality information and instruction. If you have any suggestions on how the magazine could be improved, I'd be very happy to hear them.
The world is a wonderful place, filled with continual changes which bring with them a never ending supply of opportunities. May you grow in the ability to allow the wisdom of Reiki to guide how you create your life.
Love and peace to you and the world.
William Lee Rand,